一直以来,ThinkPad X300 /X301被认为是Thinkpad工业设计的极品,完美的设计和高高在上的价格让大家趋之若鹜。不过联想的X301销售情况一直不好,销量一直大大低于联想的预期,因此在i系列CPU的时代,X300系列终于停产,这么一个旗舰的X系列品牌在经历不到三年,两代机型后,宣布结束。
今天看到国外网站的一则新闻,分析DELL XPS(全球最薄笔记本)的惨败,基本可以代表X301的失败原因。
Dell’s Adamo XPS was announced late last year with a revolutionary design, and a price tag to match. Not even a year out the gate, Microsoft’s retail store is clearing out the ultra-super-duper-thin PCs.
It’s not that the Adamo XPS is a bad laptop. The design is really unique and probably made the Macbook Air go “doh.” The internals aren’t that bad either, with a CULV processor, HD 13.4-inch screen, 4GB RAM, 128GB SSD and the works.
But at $2000 for a netbook/CULV crammed into a 9.99mm chassis, there is almost no reason to choose this laptop over…any other.
没有人会愿意用2000美元(高端电脑的价格)买一个超低电压CPU的机型(1.2或者1.4G CPU)。
看来大部分的客户还是主频控啊,这也不难看出联想下一代机型(个人认为T400s,T410s是X301的后续产品)追求的是性能和便携的完美结合而非只追求“最轻最薄”的噱头。2.4起跳的CPU可是满足绝大多数人对于高价电脑的需求,高端消费者也更愿意掏2000美元买一个2.4G CPU的机型而非1.2G CPU的机型。
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