
The next evolutionary step in applications launchers
Sapiens is an application launcher, it helps you access all theapplications in your Mac. Sapiens is clever because it learns from you,so unlike any other launcher it predicts the applications you willlikely need and offers a visualization of this prediction in anintuitive way.
Sapiens is activated by moving the mouse in a circle (yes, it is a mouse gesture that finally works), therefore touching the keyboard is really the last resort to be used in case you want to search for a specific application.
Sapiens was created because we recognize that users are tired oflaunching applications by typing (whether by using Spotlight or anyother keyboard-based launcher). These launchers make us feel like we'reback in the '80's when the keyboard was the only input device.
Everyone wants to have visual access to their favorite applications,but it's inefficient and frustrating to organize applications indifferent folders or in different docks. Life is too short, and there'snot enough time to waste fighting against the entropy of the system.
Sapiens is next evolutionary step in application launchers. It is avisual tool that predicts the applications you will want to launch andlays out the application's icons in way that makes interaction with themouse simultaneously intuitive and revolutionary.
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2007-11-9 05:28
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