Pixelmator,cool过photoshop的编辑软件 Pixelmator,the beautifully designed, easy-to-use, fast and powerful image editorfor Mac OS X has everything you need to create, edit and enhance yourimages.

Picture 1.png (1.16 MB)
2007-8-24 19:16
Picture 2.png (294.61 KB)
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Picture 2.png (31.22 KB)
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Picture 3.png (98.89 KB)
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Picture 4.png (18.54 KB)
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Picture 5.png (8.44 KB)
2007-8-24 19:16
piexle ps.torrent (21.97 KB) piexle ps.torrent (21.97 KB)
下载次数: 81
2007-8-24 19:16
Pixelmator |