JobTimer 2.30 11742.png (10.56 KB)
2008-5-7 21:07
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2008-5-7 21:07
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2008-5-7 21:09
JobTimer helps control various projectswith** mouse clicks. Check out exactly, how long you have beenbusyworking on the new website for customer X and for the new printcatalogfor customer Y. Use the RTF export and handle your JobTimerprotocolsin other programs to your needs. JobTimer is recommended as abootapplication. One click, and your next cob can be started.
Download Now
Version 2.30:- JobTimeruses a new registration dialog; old JobTimer 2.0 matchcodes shouldstill be accepted. If not, please contact and askfor your freeJobTimer 2.0 match code update.
- »File > Export« uses shortcut [cmd][E] now.
- Help Menu has been redesigned, offering a new JobTimer Help now.
- Czech localization (by Petr Jandík).
- Dutch localization (by Paul Pasveer).
- The Preferences window no longer shows Toolbar (hide) button, as required by Apple's Human Inte**ce Guidelines.
- All export formats are available again.
- Many text, layout fixes and adjustments for Mac OS X Leopard.

| DEVONthink™
Your Personal Information Assistant
| Information Overload — Swamped by **, Emails, Notes?
| MeetDEVONthink — designed to manage and keep in order all those disparatepieces of information so important to your work or studies. As youbecome more experienced with DEVONthink and its easy, intuitiveinte**ce you will quickly find more exciting ways of using your data.
| What DEVONthink Does for You
| DEVONthinkstores your documents, scanned **s, email messages, notes,bookmarks, etc. in one place. Access live web pages seamlessly fromwithin DEVONthink to review, extract further information.
| CreateRTF documents, edit them in full screen, and cross-reference. Clip datafrom other applications using drag-and-drop, Services, or the Dock menu.
| Search,classify and show relationships between your documents — automaticallyand language-independent, with the help of Artificial Intelligence.
| Share your knowledge using the built-in web server on the local network, over the Internet, and via iPhone.
| Perfect Integration
| DEVONthink and DEVONagentintegrate seamlessly with each other Safari, and other web browsers.With just one click send web pages or search results to your database.
| Scan your **s with e.g. the Fujitsu ScanSnap, the Avision scanners, or most Mac OS X compatible flatbed scanners and file them in your database as searchable PDFs.
| Archive your email directly from within Apple Mail or from Microsoft Entourage, PowerMail, Mailsmith and other email apps using UNIX mailboxes, e.g. Thunderbird.
| Search all your databases directly from Spotlight.
| Search your databases or add short notes directly from the Dashboard.
| Connect DEVONthink to other applications; add new functionality using AppleScript or Automator.