管理你的荷包的可爱软件(不要被外表迷惑了,其实很强大哦) 管理你的荷包的可爱软件(不要被外表迷惑了,其实很强大哦)
“My wife & I have been using Cha-Ching for a few weeks now, and its a great app forsimply balancing your checkbook. We’ve been using the smart drawers totrack how much we spend on certain things (using tags, of course) likeour car/fast food/etc…
It’s helped us get a much better idea of where we spend our money than a simple check register.” -- Some guy

a place for everything
Manage all of your checking, savings and credit card accounts in one,comfortable spot. Use the online tab to review your transactions sideby side with your online banking account from within Cha-Ching. Orsimply import your QIF files directly into Cha-Ching.

Bills Manager
manages your bills
Never miss a bill again. While Cha-Ching can't make them magicallyvanish, the new Bill Manager keeps track of all of your upcoming bills.Create a bill with a title, due date and repeat setting, set your tagsand Cha-Ching takes care of the rest.

all you can spend
The completely redesigned Budgets in Cha-Ching is the perfect tool tokeep track of everything you are spending and earning. Simply set acouple of tag-based rules to keep track of all of your incomes andexpenses and Cha-Ching sits ready at your fingertips to compile allthat data into a clear and concise overview. Plan your budgets and letCha-Ching make sure you keep to them.

Smart Folders
and regular ones
Organize your money any way you want! Just like iTunes, Cha-Ching lets you create smart folders to group your data any way you want.

simply stunning
Cha-Ching has been redesigned from the ground up to offer you a simple,fun and sexy way to manage your money. Try the demo and see foryourself!

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下载地址 http://meddiecatsoft.cachefly.net/chaching_1.0.4.dmg |