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[新闻]Mac OS X 10.5.1 Build 9B16已经发放给测试人员

发表于 2007-11-13 23:19 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
In less than a week from the last developer seed, Apple has released another version of Mac OS X 10.5.1 to developers for testing. The latest 10.5.1 seed (9B16) has "no known issues" but lists only a few updates since the previous build. These include updating applications even if moved out of /Applications, moving files to a different directory in Finder bug fix, and DNS resolution fixes. The update is not yet available to the general public. 10.5.1 represents the first maintenance release to Mac OS X 10.5 (Leopard) since its release only 3 weeks ago. While accelerated developer seeds traditionally indicate that Apple is approaching release, Apple's has yet to release the Mac OS X 10.4.11 update that has long been expected.
本週一,蘋果向開發論壇成員發放了Mac OS X 10.5 Leopard首次升級包,10.5.1的第二個測試版Build 9B16.據悉,該版本修正了OS X長期存在的移動文件導致數據丟失Bug。 Mac OS X Finder中,在用戶移動文件的過程中,如果目標目錄失效,原始文件仍然會被刪除.大家都知道,操作系統在執行移動文件操作時,是先將文件複製到目標目錄,然後刪除原文件.但Leopard在執行該操作的過程中,如果遇到意外情況無法進行,仍然會認為複製完成,並立即刪除原文件.無論是文件移動過程中拔掉U盤、移動硬盤,還是遠程移動時目標機宕機,這種數據丟失都會發生.此次9B16版升級修正了這一Bug. 另外,測試者還報告,新版本對OS X軟件升級功能進行了升級.Apple Software Update現在可以對存儲於“Applications”應用程序文件夾以外的應用軟件進行升級. 和上週一發布的9B13版一樣.蘋果要求測試人員對Leopard的新功能進行試用並反饋情況,預計Mac OS X 10.5.1正式版將於近幾週內公開. 注意的是,对于Mac OS X 10.4来讲,Mac OS X 10.4.1是在10.4 Tiger正式发布后三周更新了 ★★★




 楼主| 发表于 2007-11-14 22:14 | 显示全部楼层
原帖由 51ed 于 2007-11-14 15:24 发表 不出所料,不过这次太快了吧
apple的以往做法同出一轍 沒有什麼好驚訝/奇怪的
发表于 2007-11-26 21:11 | 显示全部楼层
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