After nearly a month without an update, Apple has delivered a Leopard update to developers. First, a new version of the Leopard Software Update Client has been seeded through Leopard's Mac OS X Software Update. Once this new Software Update tool is installed, Apple also provides Mac OS X Leopard Client Seed Update.
The new Seed Update is "recommended for all users running Mac OS X Leopard 9A527 or 9A528" and brings the Leopard build up to 9A528d. The update includes general fixes and is also meant to test the new version of Software Update.
Leopard seeds have been notably absent in the past 3-4 weeks. Apple's October deadline for Leopard is quickly approaching. Leopard will need to be finalized soon to ramp up duplication and distribution for the October release timeline.
Apple's last major Mac OS X release (Tiger, 10.4) was declared Gold Master on March 31, 2005. Tiger was later launched in retail stores on Friday, April 29th, 2005, almost one month later.
在將近一個月後,apple終于向開發人員發布了新的Mac OS X 10.5 9A528d版本,首先,新的內建升級軟件更名為"Leopard's Mac OS X Software Update".
新的版本適用于所有使用Mac OS X Leopard 9A527 或者 9A528的人群,這次的升級修複了一些通常的bugs,還有就是測試新的內部更新軟件.
apple最後一次大幅的發布mac os x是在2005年的3月31號,出現在零售商店的日期是2005年4月29日,周五,將近晚了1個月