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[新聞]Office for Mac 2008推迟到明年1月份

发表于 2007-8-2 17:58 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
Microsoft announced that Office 2008 for the Mac will be delayed until January of 2008. Despite its name, the newest version of Microsoft Office was due for the Mac in "the second half of 2007." Lingering bugs were cited as the reason for the delay: "It really is just a quality issue across the board," Craig Eisler, general manager of Microsoft's Macintosh business unit, said in an interview Wednesday. Other factors blamed for the delay included the switch to Intel combined with a change in Office file formats. "It was no one thing. "This release was harder than most just because of all those things happening at once." As a result, the launch of Office 2008 is expected at Macworld Expo 2008 in San Francisco.
六周前接任微软Mac业务部门总经理的Craig Eisler表示:“我们希望它能赶在圣诞节销售旺季上市,但现在我们的目标是MacWorld大会期间(明年1月)。我们团队对目前的产品质量不是很满意。” 至于具体碰到了什么问题,以及新的Mac Office会有哪些组件和功能,各个版本的价格又是多少,Craig Eisler没有发表进一步评论。Office for Mac 2004有三个版本,售价从150美元到500美元不等。 微软曾在今年1月份的MacWorld 2007上展示过Office for Mac 2008的早期预览版。至于其公开测试时间,不会像Office 2007 for Windows那样达到六个月之久。 Office for Mac 2008将首先推出Intel-Mac版本,PowerPC-Mac稍后再说。新版套装的功能和界面都与Windows版有很多相同之处,比如支持新的XML文件格式、新PowerPoint配备Office Art 2.0图像引擎等,但也有自己独特的地方,比如用户界面“Elements Gallery”、日历管理程序“My Day”等等,另外还去除了对Visual Basic宏脚本的支持,引发了不小的争议。 [ 本帖最后由 Junne 于 2007-8-3 12:01 编辑 ] ★★★




 楼主| 发表于 2007-8-3 12:01 | 显示全部楼层
原帖由 god_pier 于 2007-8-3 09:43 发表 明天????
发表于 2007-8-3 16:30 | 显示全部楼层
有用也就行了..OPEN OFFICE也挺好的
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