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[MAC News]苹果已提供开发员MacOS X 10.4.10的测试版本

发表于 2007-5-21 22:59 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
Apple released the first seed of Mac OS X 10.4.10 to developers Friday. The pending update will mark the first version of Mac OS X to see a ninth substantial update since release. According to notes accompanying builds 8R205 (PPC) and 8R2205 (Intel), Mac OS X 10.4.10 will, the update fixes issues with mds and network home directories, and an issue with the BSD Kernel. In addition, the PowerPC build corrects a problem with JavaScriptCore. Apple lists no known issues with the current builds, but is soliciting feedback from developers in about two dozen particular areas, from AirPort to FireWire to Screen Savers. Sources are unaware as to when Mac OS X 10.4.10 will see a public release.
苹果已经在18日将第一个版本的MacOSX10.4.10交付给开发 员,此举将打破苹果固守.9的法则, 其中包含8R205(PPC)与 8R2205(Intel)。 MacOSX10.4.10将会修补音讯、网路与 BSDKernel的问题, PowerPC版也将会解决一个 JavaScriptCore的问题。 目前并没有消息指出MacOSX10.4.10会在何时推出给大众。 ★★★




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