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[Appz Beta]Office 2008 Mac更多细节披露

发表于 2007-4-1 10:56 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
According to apcmag.com, Microsoft's Office 2008 for Mac has proceeded into private beta stages of development (note: mirror may be slow). "We're in private betas right now" confirmed Sheridan Jones, Lead Marketing Manager for Microsoft's Mac Business Unit (MacBU), during an exclusive interview with APC magazine. Microsoft announced Office 2008 for Mac at Macworld San Francisco in January, and previewed an alpha release which included features from Office 2007 for Windows such as the Ribbon, and new Mac-only features such as a Publishing Layout View that will allow Word users to create layout-rich documents (newsletters, fliers, and brochures), Ledger Sheets in Excel, and "My Day" priority tracking in Entourage. "Part of our mission with Office 2008 is to expose all the things that are already there and make the product easier to use" says Jones. "We wanted to make it more discoverable, to bubble up the features that people didn't always find. We also have an opportunity to have a simple UI and a more intuitive interface. "We got a lot of customer feedback (on the UI), we've kept the menus and embedded toolbars, but I can hide rid of embedded toolbars to have a really streamlined interface." Parts of the redesign are peeking through almost every application, as well as application modules such as the notebook view in Word, and Jones promises that there's plenty to share in the months ahead. Microsoft has stated that Office 2008 will be a Universal Binary, and will bring compatibility with Office 2007 for Windows' Open XML file format. To the dismay of many corporate and cross-platform users, however, Microsoft has said that it will not be supporting Visual Basic scripting.
微软已经开始进行Mac版Office 2008测试,后者将在今年下半年亮相。微软官方透露,Mac版Office 2008将在兼容性上大幅改进,其中包括: 1.将是首个同时原生支持Intel以及Power PC平台Mac机型的Office版本 2.提供XML文件格式支持——与今年1月上市的Windows版Office 2007具有良好的文档共通性 不过,微软目前尚未公布Office 2008 Mac测试人数等细节,但是微软官方代表声称,目前测试进度正常,将如期在今年下半年推出正式版本。 除了兼容性增强外,微软还披露了Office 2008 Mac数个新特性,例如日历组件My Day——不用打开Email程序便可直接查看行事历内容。 不过,Office 2008 Mac版开发时间明显超过了微软18-24个月周期惯例,目前Mac上的Office依然为2004年4月发布的Office 2004。 還有就是m$説到。office 2008 for mac將不再支持Visual Basic scripting。 Source:http://www.macrumors.com [ 本帖最后由 Junne 于 2007-4-1 10:57 编辑 ] ★★★




发表于 2007-4-1 21:22 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2007-4-1 21:30 | 显示全部楼层
想问下2008是不是下载就可以使用,不用注册! 比较弱的问题!
 楼主| 发表于 2007-4-1 23:08 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2007-4-2 09:19 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2007-4-13 20:31 | 显示全部楼层
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