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Apple将在MacWorld 发布新的显示器?

发表于 2006-12-25 18:07 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
According to several anonymous and unconfirmed reports, Apple will be announcing new Displays at MacWorld San Francisco. The new Displays are said to include built-in iSight cameras, making up for the recent discontinuation of Apple's external iSight camera. Reseller sources have reported conflicting stories, with some saying that Apple had told them that the reason for the discontinuation of the iSight was because Apple believed that since most of their products contained built-in iSights, a standalone product was no longer needed. Such an explanation would seem to precede a display update with built-in iSights. However, other reseller sources have indicated that the discontinuation may have been related to troubles getting the devices lead-free to comply with Europe's RoHS initiative. Little other information is confirmed at this time, however there are some reports that the displays could see a redesign as well. LoopRumors has also claimed that new displays may be coming at MacWorld, with a thinner and lighter design geared towards increased mobility. Update: MacScoop/MacOSXRumors indicates that Apple's new displays may include an HDMI connector and support HDCP. 根据一些匿名者和不确定的消息来看,Apple将会在几周后的MacWorld大会上推出新的显示器。新的显示器内置了iSight cameras设备,弥补了近日停止发售的外置iSight。 一些来自销售商的反馈,Apple停止销售的原因在于他们认为大部分的Apple产品中包含了iSight,而不再需要这样子一个独立的产品。这样来解释内建iSight的显示器。但是,还有一些来源于销售商信息表明,和Europe's RoHS initiative的倡议产生了冲突,从而不得已停止销售。 而一些信息也被证实,新的显示器将被从新设计。LoopRumors也声称新的显示器将会更加轻,薄,以便于携带。 Update:MacScoop/MacOSXRumors的消息表明Apple的新显示器将会提供对HDMI端口,以支持HDCP。 Source:http://channel-wii.spaces.live.com/ ★★★




发表于 2006-12-26 09:42 | 显示全部楼层
好消息,没米啊 不过我要出手Macbook Pro了 哈哈
发表于 2006-12-26 10:08 | 显示全部楼层
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