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Houdini 破解

发表于 2012-7-8 16:07 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
I will try to explain the crack again below as simple as possible. Here i go:...

1. if you had a pervious version of Houdini installed, Uninstall it!!

2. Install Houdini 11.0.581

3. Open Houdini Shell.terminal found in the Houdini folder that was put inside your applications folder during installation.

4. Type this code:
sudo -s
hit return

5. Enter your administrator password when prompted and hit return.

6. type this code into terminal:
sesictrl -n
hit return

7. select the response and copy it into a blank PLAIN TEXT document. SAVE the document to the desktop. the responses should look like this:

bash-3.2# sesictrl -n
The server code for "MY-COMPUTER-Mac-Pro.local" is:
SERVER MY-COMPUTER-Mac-Pro.local 123abcd4

the italicized part above is the code you will need and the bold part is your sever info you will need when entering the the info into the key generator app.

8. now type this code into terminal:
sesictrl -q
Hit return

9. open the key generator app (houdini11keygen.exe) in windows.

10. enter the server name and server number into the keygen. click 'generate code' in the example from step 7 above, the name of the server is: MY COMPUTER-Mac-Pro.local the number is: 123abcd4

11. select all of the text from the 1st of the 2 generated code fields and copy paste that info into the text document with your server name and number info. take that doc back to your mac. you will need that info.

12. now back on your mac os, drag the crack folder provided to your desktop. (macosx_x86_64_gcc4.2_10.6)
inside it will have 1 item 'sesinetd'

13. type this code into terminal:
sesictrl -q
hit return

14. cp /Users/YOURNAME/Desktop/macosx_x86_64_gcc4.2_10.6/sesinetd/Library/Frameworks/Houdini.framework/Versions/11.0.581/Resources/houdini/sbin/sesinetd
hit return

OR if that is a lot to type ...

14a. in FINDER open 2 windows and place them so you can see the contents AND place the terminal window so you can see its contents.
window one is your crack folder on the desktop
window two is /Library/Frameworks/Houdini.framework/Versions/11.0.581/Resources/houdini/sbin/

14b. in terminal type this code:
cp<space key>

14c. from window one drag sesinetd to the terminal window

14d. from window two drag sesinetd to the terminal window

14e. check to see that what is in your terminal window now is exactly what i typed for you on step 14.

15. click your <enter key> or <return key>

16. in terminal type this code:
cd /Library/Frameworks/Houdini.framework/Versions/11.0.581/Resources/houdini/sbin/
Hit return

17. in terminal type this code:
chmod 755 sesinetd
Hit return

to delete any previous keys for houdini do steps 18 and 19

18. in terminal type this code:
cd /Library/Preferences/sesi
Hit return

19. in terminal type this code:
rm -f *
Hit Return

20. restart your macintosh

21. Empty trash as soon as your computer starts up.

22. open the text document containing your generated keys

23. launch application /applications/Houdini 11.0.581/administrative tools/license administrator.app you should have a red dot with an X showing

24. in license admin app, choose menu 'file' then choose 'manually enter keys...'

25. from the text document copy the 1st key and paste it into the 1st slot in the license admin window. the 1st key should look something like this:
SERVER MYCOMPUTER-2.local 123abcd9 54BE6C0D4C1B74D15FEE4A3B09A91265055AEDF3FFD7E LICENSE Generic Houdini-Master 11.0 581 25-dec-2012 *.*.*.* MY-COMPUTER-Mac-Pro.local 6903db94 uDeT5pxv2u2QzQ4aQt@lSkYAANwKlBD5NIteHa7oRh4DTpljIO Qh3r3
You should have (11) eleven codes to enter. one SERVER and ten LICENSE codes.

you only have 5 slots in the license admin, manual-key-install-window, so just copy and paste from the text window to the license window until all slots are full. click accept and go back to the 'manually enter keys...' and copy some more in from the text document.

29. you are done. houdini is yours. you just hacked an $8000 app! now you have to learn to use it. LOL that is the hardest part.
now just quit the license admin app and launch Houdini!


发表于 2012-7-8 20:48 | 显示全部楼层



发表于 2012-7-8 20:53 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2012-7-9 22:28 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2012-7-11 12:31 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2012-7-11 16:47 | 显示全部楼层
发表于 2012-7-11 20:14 | 显示全部楼层
我会尽量解释裂缝再次低于尽可能简单。在这里,我去: 1。如果你有一个安装的胡迪尼透水版本,卸载它! 2。安装霍迪尼11.0.581 安装后无法打开胡迪尼 3。开放霍迪尼Shell.terminal发现在胡迪尼把您的应用程序文件夹内的文件夹在安装。 4。输入代码: sudo-s时 回车 5。输入您的管理员密码提示时,撞上了回报。 6。到终端输入这个代码: sesictrl-N 击中回报 7。选择响应,并复制到一个空白的纯文本文件。保存到桌面上的文件。的反应应该是这样 的bash-3.2#sesictrl-N 服务器代码为“ 我的电脑-MAC-Pro.local “是: 服务器 上面我的电脑MAC-Pro.local 123abcd4 的bash-3.2#斜体部分是代码,你需要和黑体字部分是您的服务器进入关键发电机应用的信息时,您将需要的信息。 8。现在这个代码输入到终端: sesictrl-Q 命中回报 9。打开在Windows应用程序的关键发电机(houdini11keygen.exe) 10。进入凯基输入服务器名称和服务器的数量。点击“生成代码”中的例子从上面的步骤7,服务器的名称是:我的电脑- MAC-Pro.local的数量是:123abcd4 11。所有的文字从2生成的代码字段和复制粘贴到文本文件与您的服务器名称和数字信息,信息的第一选择。返回到您的Mac,DOC。您将需要的信息。 12。现在您的Mac OS上,拖动到您的桌面文件夹中提供的裂纹。(macosx_x86_64_gcc4.2_10.6) 内将有1项sesinetd“ 13。到终端输入这个代码: sesictrl-Q 击中回报 14。CP 返回 或如果这是一个很多类型... 14A。在搜寻器打开2个窗口,并把它们所以你可以看到的内容,将终端窗口,所以你可以看到它的内容。 窗口之一,是您在桌面上的crack文件夹 窗口/ Library/Frameworks/Houdini.framework/Versions/11.0 .581/Resources/houdini/sbin / 14B。终端类型代码:, CP <space key> 14C。从一个窗口拖放到终端窗口 14D sesinetd 。从窗口两拖sesinetd的终端窗口 14E。请检查在终端窗口中,什么是现在正是我为你键入在第14步。 15。单击您<Enter key>或<return key> 16。终端类型代码: CD / Library/Frameworks/Houdini.framework/Versions/11.0.581/Resources/houdini/sbin的/ 回车 17。此代码在终端类型: CHMOD 755 sesinetd 按回车, 如果您以前安装的胡迪尼18日及19日 不这样做,否则执行步骤!!! 删除霍迪尼以往任何键执行步骤18和19 18。在终端类型代码: CD /库/ Preferences /色丝 击中返回 19。此代码在终端类型: RM-F * 打回 20。重新启动您的Macintosh 21。清空回收站尽快启动您的计算机。 22。打开文本文件,您生成的键 23。启动应用程序/应用/胡迪尼11.0.581/administrative工具/许可证administrator.app的,你应该有一个红点,显示X 24。在许可证管理应用程序,选择菜单“文件”,然后选择“手动输入键...” 25。从文本文件的副本的第一键,粘贴到第一槽许可证管理窗口。第一项应该看起来像这样: 。服务器MYCOMPUTER-2.local 123abcd9许可通用霍迪尼硕士54BE6C0D4C1B74D15FEE4A3B09A91265055AEDF3FFD7E 11.0 581 25-DEC-2012 * * MY电脑-MAC Pro.local的6903db94 uDeT5pxv2u2QzQ4aQt @ lSkYAANwKlBD5NIteHa7oRh4DTpljIO Qh3r3 你应该有(11)11代码输入。一台服务器和10个授权码。 你只在许可证管理的有5个插槽,手动键安装窗口,所以只是复制和粘贴文本窗口许可窗口,直到所有槽已满。点击接受并返回到“手动输入键...” 从文本文件中复制一些更多。 29。你这样做。胡迪尼是你的。你刚才砍死一个8000美元的应用程序!现在,你必须学会使用它。LOL是最难的部分。 现在只是退出许可证管理应用程序和胡迪尼推出!
 楼主| 发表于 2012-7-15 22:44 | 显示全部楼层

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