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发表于 2005-12-16 13:03 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式





总理 朱镕基


第一章 总则

第一条 为了加强商用密码管理,保护信息安全,保护公民和组织的合法权益,维护国家的安全和利益,制定本条例。

第二条 本条例所称商用密码,是指对不涉及国家秘密内容的信息进行加密保护或者安全认证所使用的密码技术和密码产品。

第三条 商用密码技术属于国家秘密。国家对商用密码产品的科研、生产、销售和使用实行专控管理。

第四条 国家密码管理委员会及其办公室(以下简称国家密码管理机构)主管全国的商用密码管理工作。


第二章 科研、生产管理

第五条 商用密码的科研任务由国家密码管理机构指定的单位承担。商用密码指定科研单位必须具有相应的技术力量和设备,能够采用先进的编码理论和技术,编制的商用密码算法具有较高的保密强度和抗攻击能力。

第六条 商用密码的科研成果,由国家密码管理机构组织专家按照商用密码技术标准和技术规范审查、鉴定。

第七条 商用密码产品由国家密码管理机构指定的单位生产。未经指定,任何单位或者个人不得生产商用密码产品。


第八条 商用密码产品指定生产单位生产的商用密码产品的品种和型号,必须经国家密码管理机构批准,并不得超过批准范围生产商用密码产品。

第九条 商用密码产品,必须经国家密码管理机构指定的产品质量检测机构检测合格。

第三章 销售管理

第十条 商用密码产品由国家密码管理机构许可的单位销售。未经许可,任何单位或者个人不得销售商用密码产品。

第十一条 销售商用密码产品,应当向国家密码管理机构提出申请,并应当具备下列条件:





第十二条 销售商用密码产品,必须如实登记直接使用商用密码产品的用户的名称(姓名)、地址(住址)、组织机构代码(居民身份证号码)以及每台商用密码产品的用途,并将登记情况报国家密码管理机构备案。

第十三条 进口密码产品以及含有密码技术的设备或者出口商用密码产品,必须经国家密码管理机构批准。任何单位或者个人不得销售境外的密码产品。

第四章 使用管理

第十四条 任何单位或者个人只能使用经国家密码管理机构认可的商用密码产品,不得使用自行研制的或者境外生产的密码产品。

第十五条 境外组织或者个人在中国境内使用密码产品或者含有密码技术的设备,必须报经国家密码管理机构批准;但是,外国驻华外交代表机构、领事机构除外。

第十六条 商用密码产品的用户不得转让其使用的商用密码产品。商用密码产品发生故障,必须由国家密码管理机构指定的单位维修。报废、销售商用密码产品,应当向国家密码管理机构备案。

第五章 安全、保密管理

第十七条 商用密码产品的科研、生产,应当在符合安全、保密要求的环境中进行。销售、运输、保管商用密码产品,应当采取相应的安全措施。


第十八条 宣传、公开展览商用密码产品,必须事先报国家密码管理机构批准。

第十九条 任何单位和个人不得非法攻击商用密码,不得利用商用密码危害国家的安全和利益、危害社会治安或者进行其他违法犯罪活动。

第六章 罚则

第二十条 有下列行为之一的,由国家密码管理机构根据不同情况分别会同工商行政管理、海关等部门没收密码产品,有违法所得的,没收违法所得;情节严重的,可以并处违法所得1至3倍的罚款;





第二十一条 有下列行为之一的,由国家密码管理机构根据不同情况分别会同公安、国家安全机关给予警告,责令立即改正:





第二十二条 商用密码产品的科研、生产、销售单位有本条例第二十条、第二十一条第一款第(一)、(二)、(三)项所列行为,造成严重后果的,由国家密码管理机构撤销其指定科研、生产单位资格,吊销《商用密码产品销售许可证》。

第二十三条 泄露商用密码技术秘密、非法攻击商用密码或者利用商用密码从事危害国家的安全和利益的活动,情节严重,构成犯罪的,依法追究刑事责任。


第二十四条 境外组织或者个人未经批准,擅自使用密码产品或者含有密码技术的设备的,由国家密码管理机构会同公安机关给予警告,责令改正,可以并处没收密码产品或者含有密码技术的设备。

第二十五条 商用密码管理机构的工作人员滥用职权、玩忽职守、徇私舞弊,构成犯罪的,依法追究刑事责任;尚不构成犯罪的,依法给予行政处分。

第七章 附则

第二十六条 国家密码管理委员会可以依据本条例制定有关的管理规定。

第二十七条 本条例自发布之日起施行。
 楼主| 发表于 2005-12-16 13:18 | 显示全部楼层
    This option is used by Windows PE (Preinstallation Environment) and causes the Configuration Manager to load the Registry SYSTEM hive as a volatile hive such that changes made to it in memory are not saved back to the hive image.
    Prevents kernel-mode debugging from being initialized. Overrides the specification of any of the three debug-related switches, /DEBUG, /DEBUGPORT, and /BAUDRATE.
    This option is only available on 32-bit versions of Windows when running on processors supporting no-execute protection. It enables no-execute protection (also known as Data Execution Protection - DEP), which results in the Memory Manager marking pages containing data as no-execute so that they cannot be executed as code. This can be useful for preventing malicious code from exploiting buffer overflow bugs with unexpected program input in order to execute arbitrary code. No-execute protection is always enabled on 64-bit versions of Windows on processors that support no-execute protection. There are several options you can specify with this switch:

        * /NOEXECUTE=OPTIN Enables DEP for core system images and those specified in the DEP configuration dialog.
        * /NOEXECUTE=OPTOUT Enables DEP for all images except those specified in the DEP configuration dialog.
        * /NOEXECUTE=ALWAYSON Enables DEP on all images.
        * /NOEXECUTE=ALWAYSOFF Disables DEP.

    Instructs Windows not to initialize the VGA video driver responsible for presenting bitmapped graphics during the boot process. The driver is used to display boot progress information, so disabling it will disable the ability of Windows to show this information.
    Requires that the /PAE switch be present and that the system have more than 4 GB of physical memory. If these conditions are met, the PAE-enabled version of the Windows kernel, Ntkrnlpa.exe, won't use the first 4 GB of physical memory. Instead, it will load all applications and device drivers, and allocate all memory pools, from above that boundary. This switch is useful only to test device driver compatibility with large memory systems.
    Forces Ntldr to load the non-Physical Address Extension (PAE) version of the Windows kernel, even if the system is detected as supporting x86 PAEs and has more than 4 GB of physical memory.
    Obsolete Windows NT 4 qualifier—replaced by the absence of the /FASTDETECT switch. Disables serial mouse detection of the specified COM ports. This switch was used if you had a device other than a mouse attached to a serial port during the startup sequence. Using /NOSERIALMICE without specifying a COM port disables serial mouse detection on all COM ports. See Microsoft Knowledge Base article Q131976 for more information.
    Specifies the number of CPUs that can be used on a multiprocessor system. Example: /NUMPROC=2 on a four-way system will prevent Windows from using two of the four processors.
    Causes Windows to use only one CPU on a multiprocessor system.
    Causes Ntldr to load Ntkrnlpa.exe, which is the version of the x86 kernel that is able to take advantage of x86 PAEs. The PAE version of the kernel presents 64-bit physical addresses to device drivers, so this switch is helpful for testing device driver support for large memory systems.
    Stops Windows from dynamically assigning IO/IRQ resources to PCI devices and leaves the devices configured by the BIOS. See Microsoft Knowledge Base article Q148501 for more information.
    Specifies the path to a System Disk Image (SDI) file, which can be on the network, that the system will use to boot from. Often used in conjunction with the /RDIMAGEOFFSET= flag to indicate to NTLDR where in the file the system image starts.
    Introduced with Windows XP. Used to cause Windows to enable Emergency Management Services (EMS) that reports boot information and accepts system management commands through a serial port. Specify serial port and baudrate used in conjunction with EMS with redirect= and redirectbaudrate= lines in the [boot loader] section of the Boot.ini file.
    Specifies options for a safe boot. You should never have to specify this option manually, since Ntldr specifies it for you when you use the F8 menu to perform a safe boot. (A safe boot is a boot in which Windows only loads drivers and services that are specified by name or group under the Minimal or Network registry keys under HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\SafeBoot.) Following the colon in the option you must specify one of three additional switches: MINIMAL, NETWORK, or DSREPAIR. The MINIMAL and NETWORK flags correspond to safe boot with no network and safe boot with network support, respectively. The DSREPAIR (Directory Services Repair) switch causes Windows to boot into a mode in which it restores the Active Directory directory service from a backup medium you present. An additional option you can append is (ALTERNATESHELL), which tells Windows to use the program specified by the HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\ SafeBoot\AlternateShell value as the graphical shell rather than to use the default, which is Windows Explorer.
    Directs Windows to the SCSI ID of the controller. (Adding a new SCSI device to a system with an on-board SCSI controller can cause the controller's SCSI ID to change.) See Microsoft Knowledge Base article Q103625 for more information.
    Used in Windows XP Embedded systems to have Windows boot from a RAM disk image stored in the specified System Disk Image (SDI) file.
    Causes Windows to list the device drivers marked to load at boot time and then to display the system version number (including the build number), amount of physical memory, and number of processors.
    Sets the resolution of the system timer on the standard x86 multiprocessor HAL (Halmps.dll). The argument is a number interpreted in hundreds of nanoseconds, but the rate is set to the closest resolution the HAL supports that isn't larger than the one requested. The HAL supports the following resolutions:

    Hundreds of nanoseconds Milliseconds (ms)
    9766 0.98
    19532 2.00
    39063 3.90
    78125 7.80

    The default resolution is 7.8 ms. The system timer resolution affects the resolution of waitable timers. Example: /TIMERES=21000 would set the timer to a resolution of 2.0 ms.
    This switch is only supported on Windows XP and Windows Server 2003. Like the /3GB switch, this switch gives applications a larger address space. Specify the amount in MB between 2048 and 3072. This switch has the same application requirements as the /3GB switch and requires that the /3GB switch be present. Applies to 32-bit systems only.
    Directs Ntldr to boot the Consumer Windows boot sector stored in Bootsect.w40. This switch is pertinent only on a triple-boot system that has MS-DOS, Consumer Windows, and Windows installed. See Microsoft Knowledge Base article Q157992 for more information.
    Directs Ntldr to boot the MS-DOS boot sector stored in Bootsect.dos. This switch is pertinent only on a triple-boot system that has MS-DOS, Consumer Windows, and Windows installed. See Microsoft Knowledge Base article Q157992 for more information.
    Instructs the Windows core time function to ignore the year that the computer's real-time clock reports and instead use the one indicated. Thus, the year used in the switch affects every piece of software on the system, including the Windows kernel. Example: /YEAR=2001. (This switch was created to assist in Y2K testing.)

Thanks to Jonas Fischer for pointing out the PCILOCK and NOSERIALMICE switches. Thanks to Rob Green for information on the FASTDETECT switch.
发表于 2005-12-16 20:21 | 显示全部楼层
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