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QuarkXpress 8.0 mac版本安装使用

发表于 2008-8-1 18:53 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
QuarkXpress 8.0 mac版本安装使用                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                Picture 3.png (83.5 KB)
                                                                        2008-8-1 18:39

八月份QuarkXPress 8的目标是Adobe的设计软件套装

消息人士说新版本将会把Photoshop, Illustrator 和 Flash的特色集中到一个软件包内,在八月份QuarkXPress 8发布前这个软件包可以暂时免费提供给QuarkXPress 7的用户进行升级。


QuarkXPress 8是2006年发布的QuarkXPress 7的后续版本,在排版设计领域首次采用了开放界面、PDF/X, 和Unicode 特色。追溯到2002年,Adobe捉往Quark松懈的时机推出基于Mac OSX的第一个桌面排版设计工具从而将Quark击败,紧接着Adobe通过把排版设计软件和它流行的Photoshop andIllustrator和Flash设计套装进行**销售来不断蚕食Quark的市场份额。

Quark足足晚了一年才推出适用于Mac OS X的软件,但现在它已经咬紧牙关追了上来,Quark比Adobe早八个月推出支持Intel Macs 的QuarkXPRess 7.01。

去年Quark通过升级使软件支持Windows Vista and Mac OS X 10.5 Leopard。

目前Quark打算通过它的QuarkXPress 8与Adobe的流行设计软件进行抗衡。

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        Picture 4.png (177.26 KB)
                                                                        2008-8-1 18:39


2、支持Illustrator 和 Photoshop文件,提供更多的图片处理功能。





Quark对新版本大力促销,并使QuarkXPress 6 and 7的用户可以通过升级达到QuarkXPress 8,对于QuarkXPRess 7的新购买者更是可以免费升级到QuarkXPress 8。
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        Picture 5.png (80.37 KB)
                                                                        2008-8-1 18:39


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 楼主| 发表于 2008-8-1 18:53 | 显示全部楼层
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                                                                        2008-8-1 18:48


As much as the 7.0 revision of QuarkXPress was about complex,inter-related publishing workflows, the new version announced today isabout a much-needed new look and a host of tools aimed squarely atgraphic designers. Quark wasn’t necessarily wrong to focus on thehard-core production market in the last couple of versions, but neitherwere designers wrong to conclude the XPress inte**ce was looking alittle behind the times.

The success the Adobe Internet juggernaut hath wrought is testamentthat common inte**ce design, predictable tool sets, andcross-application support is just as important as how well anapplication fits in to the daily demands of a production-heavyenvironment (where XPress has remained strong). And that publishingproduction is now a global business challenge needing a single-softwaresolution, not a bunch of market-priced versions to supportmulti-lingual output.

A variety of the new menu, palette, and tool designs from various parts of XPress 8.
So in some ways XPress 8 is an admission by Quark that Adobe is nowsetting the standards for how designers work. XPress 8 is much more“Creative-Suite like” in how it looks and works. But I’m glad to sayQuark didn’t just copy a few inte**ce ideas or settle on some standardkeyboard shortcuts. By going back and re-focusing on the little stuff,they’ve actually made some giant strides forward.

Updating the user inte**ce in a product like QuarkXPress is a bitrisky, as many users have hung on precisely for the reason that theydon’t like or want to change. But…
发表于 2008-8-2 08:19 | 显示全部楼层
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