自定义leopard dock风格 learned that the background on the Dock in Leopard is a set of 4PNG image files, and I got the hamsters running. I made Sky and Woodfor you, and here’s what they look like:
dockwood.jpg (28.15 KB)
2007-11-10 22:17
skydock.jpg (26.03 KB)
2007-11-10 22:17
Installation To ‘install’ them, go to /System/Library/CoreServices/Dock and click on the gear icon in the Finder window.
Select “Show Package Contents” and then go to Contents/Resources/ andcopy these files in. They will replace the system images, so be sure to backup the originals!
showcontents.jpg (86.32 KB)
2007-11-10 22:16
Download Sky
Download Wood |