Apple said Monday that some MacBook and MacBook Pro computers shipped without the company's recommended file system settings enabled and has released a small update to help owners remedy the issue.
"Some MacBook (13-inch Mid 2007) and MacBook Pro (2.2/2.4GHz Mid 2007) computers were shipped with file system journaling turned off," the company explained. "Journaling is recommended for all Macintosh computers as a preventative measure against file corruption."
In order to update affected systems with the proper settings, Apple recommends that owners install a just-relased MacBook, MacBook Pro Software Update 1.0 to enable journaling, and then closely follow the steps below to check their hard disk drive volume:
Insert the Mac OS X Install disc that came with your computer then restart the computer while holding the "C" key.
When your computer finishes starting up from the disc, choose Disk Utility from the Installer menu. (You must select your language first.)
Important: Do not click Continue in the first screen of the Installer. If you do, you must restart from the disc again to access Disk Utility.
Click the First Aid tab.
Click the disclosure triangle to the left of the hard drive icon to display the names of your hard disk volumes and partitions.
Select your internal hard disk drive volume. This is usually Macintosh HD but your internal hard disk drive may have a different name.
Click Repair.
Tip: It's important to start up your computer from a Mac OS X Install or Restore disc to allow Disk Utility to verify or repair your startup volume.
Apple在周一說,一些Macbook 和Macbook Pro在發貨的時候沒有對其推薦的文件系統進行設定,現在發布一個更新來解決這個問題
一些13.3" MacBook(2007年中期)和MacBook Pro(2.2/2.4ghz,2007年中期)在發貨的時候對其文件系統日志是"關閉"的,apple解釋到"推薦所有的Macintosh的使用日志功能,以防御外來對系統的攻擊".
Apple建議安裝不久前發布了MacBook, MacBook Pro Software Update 1.0來開啟日志功能,以解決這個問題,然後根據下面給出的步驟來檢查你的硬盤卷軸
2.當你的機器從光盤引導開機後,選擇左上方的"install"中的"Disk Utility"(這之前你必須選擇語言)
主要提示:不要去試圖點擊"Continue"在install的第1個截面,如果你這樣做了,那麼你必須從新利用光盤引導再次啟動機器,然後再次進入Disk Utility
4.選擇安裝有系統的分卷,通常情況下叫做"Macintosh HD"之前你可能對起更改過其他的名字
提示:一個很重要的就是需要你利用Mac OS X安裝盤或者隨機器送的恢複盤來引導開機,然後利用Disk Unitliy來檢測和你修複你的引導磁盤分卷
[ 本帖最后由 Junne 于 2007-9-25 13:38 编辑 ]