USERENV(4ac.6bc) 13:21:14:724 GetGPOInfo: Local GPO's gpt.ini is not accessible, assuming default state.
USERENV(4ac.6c0) 14:38:14:631 GetGPOInfo: Local GPO's gpt.ini is not accessible, assuming default state.
USERENV(4ac.6bc) 15:01:14:740 GetGPOInfo: Local GPO's gpt.ini is not accessible, assuming default state.
USERENV(4ac.4b0) 15:08:26:053 MyRegUnLoadKey: Failed to unmount hive 00000005
USERENV(4ac.4b0) 15:08:26:053 DumpOpenRegistryHandle: 2 user registry Handles leaked from \Registry\User\S-1-5-21-1060284298-1409082233-1801674531-500
USERENV(4ac.4b0) 15:08:26:053 UnloadUserProfileP: Didn't unload user profile <err = 5>
USERENV(4ac.4b0) 15:08:26:740 UnloadUserProfile: UnloadUserProfileP failed with 0
USERENV(4b4.4b8) 15:15:49:546 CUserProfile::CleanupUserProfile: Ref Count is not 0
USERENV(4b4.4b8) 15:15:49:593 CUserProfile::CleanupUserProfile: Ref Count is not 0
USERENV(4b4.4b8) 15:15:49:593 CUserProfile::CleanupUserProfile: Ref Count is not 0
USERENV(4b4.704) 15:16:02:328 GetGPOInfo: Local GPO's gpt.ini is not accessible, assuming default state.
USERENV(4b4.f8) 15:16:02:328 GetGPOInfo: Local GPO's gpt.ini is not accessible, assuming default state.
USERENV(4b4.4b8) 15:27:23:125 MyRegUnLoadKey: Failed to unmount hive 00000005
USERENV(4b4.4b8) 15:27:23:125 DumpOpenRegistryHandle: 2 user registry Handles leaked from \Registry\User\S-1-5-21-1060284298-1409082233-1801674531-500
USERENV(4b4.4b8) 15:27:23:125 UnloadUserProfileP: Didn't unload user profile <err = 5>
USERENV(4b4.4b8) 15:27:23:593 UnloadUserProfile: UnloadUserProfileP failed with 0
USERENV(11c.120) 22:38:58:109 CUserProfile::CleanupUserProfile: Ref Count is not 0
USERENV(11c.120) 22:38:58:125 CUserProfile::CleanupUserProfile: Ref Count is not 0
USERENV(11c.120) 22:38:58:125 CUserProfile::CleanupUserProfile: Ref Count is not 0
USERENV(4b4.4b8) 22:46:24:156 CUserProfile::CleanupUserProfile: Ref Count is not 0
USERENV(4b4.4b8) 22:46:24:203 CUserProfile::CleanupUserProfile: Ref Count is not 0
USERENV(4b4.4b8) 22:46:24:203 CUserProfile::CleanupUserProfile: Ref Count is not 0
USERENV(4b4.6e8) 22:46:36:953 GetGPOInfo: Local GPO's gpt.ini is not accessible, assuming default state.
USERENV(4b4.f0) 22:46:36:953 GetGPOInfo: Local GPO's gpt.ini is not accessible, assuming default state.
这是什么啊? |