nteresting EXIF info from one of the original images, submitted by Bill Baron: exif信息
* Camera Make = Apple
* Camera Model = iPhone
* Picture Orientation = rotated 90° (6)
* Lens F-Number/F-Stop = 14/5 = F2.80
* Color Space = sRGB (1)
* Image Width = 1600
* Image Height = 1200
* Unknown tag: Tagnum = 0xa500 ===> data = 11/5
* Compression = JPEG compression (6)
The search method seemed rather primitive... they simply searched for "taken with an Apple iPhone" on Google and found a set of Flickr images (now removed) tagged with the phrase. The phrase is automatically generated by Flickr based on the EXIF data from the camera itself.
在google上使用taken with an Apple iPhone为keyword后,可以在flickr中(目前已经被移出)找到一个以它标签,通过flickr的exif功能,可以看到相关的信息